The National School of Drama (NSD), an esteemed autonomous institution under the Ministry of Culture, Government of India, has collaborated with the J&K Academy of Art, Culture & Languages to organize an enriching Summer Children Theatre Workshop. This initiative, taking place in the scenic city of Srinagar, is dedicated to nurturing the talents of young minds during their summer vacation.
Workshop Goals and Activities
The Theatre in Education Centre, Srinagar, under the aegis of NSD, aims to develop and enhance critical life skills through theatrical expression. The workshop provides an ideal platform for students to explore and realize their latent potential in the dramatic arts. By involving in theatre and drama, children will have the opportunity to express creativity, build confidence, and gain new interpersonal skills.
Age Groups and Dates
The workshop is meticulously designed for two distinct age groups, children from 8-12 years and adolescents from 12-16 years, as of June 30th, 2024. Spanning a period of 15 days, these summer workshops promise a blend of fun and learning in an interactive and dynamic environment.
Registration Details
Interested participants are encouraged to register prior to the commencement of the summer vacation. The application forms are available at the NSD, Theatre in Education Centre, which resides within the Cultural Academy Campus at Lal Mandi, Srinagar. Registrations are open between 11:00 am and 4:00 pm. Families are urged to complete registration at the earliest to ensure their children’s participation in this sought-after workshop.
Cost and Certification
In a generous move to promote art and culture, the NSD has made admission to the workshop completely free. No admission fees are required, thereby providing equal opportunity to all aspiring children. Upon successful completion of the theatre workshop, participants will be duly recognized with certificates, commemorating their experience and dedication.
Necessary Documentation
To partake in this workshop, a few critical documents are needed:
- A copy of the Aadhar Card
- An identity card issued by school authorities
- A consent letter from the parent or guardian
Contact Information
Parents or guardians seeking more information about the workshop can contact the following numbers: 9419059895 or 9419422935. The Director of the National School of Drama is also available for inquiries and assistance.
This summer, the NSD’s Theatre in Education Centre welcomes all school children of Srinagar to immerse in the world of drama and unlock their hidden potentials through this transformative theatre workshop.
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